How are migration categories defined?
There is a whole chapter in the "details" section dedicated to migration definitions and categories
How can I order GROMS products?
Published products can be directly obtained from publishers (Landwirtschaftsverlag or the Natural History Book Store). In case of difficulties, contact us by post, e-mail or telephone.
Why are the GROMS products provided in such diverse designs and interactive forms, instead of sticking to one only?
Even though most of our users prefer some of the less sophisticated html species fact sheet outputs, there are others who utilise more sophisticated user-queried outputs. There is no handy online system that provides both simultaneously (especially including maps!). Therefore, and to keep both groups served, we have decided to let the diverse output systems open for user.
What is the need to produce a CD version of GROMS while everything is available online?
Ease of dissemination and technical feasibility are the major factors for the production of a CD version. Internet access is limited in areas where the GROMS product can be of importance, like the wintering range states of Africa. Moreover, the CD allows a huge variety of more sophisticated queries, by accessing the "core tables" of the database, using MS-Access.Finally, the CD contains maps in GIS format, allowing intersection with other maps (see Riede 2001, p. 40).
Why do I encounter differencies between GROMS GIS distribution maps and other GIS layers?
Most of our maps are still on a global scale, and should be viewed on a global scale. A GIS allows you to zoom in "infinetely" - this does not make sense (imagine to look at a paper map in global scale with a microscope!). If you zoom to inadequate scales (eg below 1:1.000.000), you will encounter differences with respect to borders of continents, lakes or islands.).
Why don't you have a fancy webpage, using flash etc.?
A simple (frameless or pseudoframe) version has the advantage that it is compatible with many browser versions and appears without delay. Nevertheless we are preparing a fancy version. Meanwhile we recommend our animations of satellite tracks.
Does GROMS as system give special attention to species that are in some category of threat level?
Absolutely yes. The data base contains the major threat registry provided by the IUCN’s RED LIST, and protection categories by CMS Appendices, SPEC (EU's category) and CITES Appendices . Both the CD as well as the Internet "expert" search option allows users to design their queries using a wide range of combinations by using the above categories (for example: ask for red-listed, but unprotected migratory species).