Species fact sheet by Global Register of Migratory Species - www.groms.de
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Alcedo atthis (Linnaeus, 1758)
Family: Alcedinidae
Order: Coraciiformes
English: Common Kingfisher
French: Martin-pêcheur d'Europe
Spanish: Martín pescador común
German: Eisvogel (There's a German version of this page!)
Norwegian: Isfugl (There's a Norwegian version of this page!)
Migration: partial
Regions [...]

map about the distribution of Alcedo atthis 

“N populations, in areas where freezing conditions in winter, regularly migrates S, generally staying within species' breeding range; populations in C Europe migrate in severe winters, and S populations (e.g. in Spain) are mainly sedentary. Distance moved varies, up to 250 km in Britain, 500 km in France and Belgium, 1500 km in Czechoslovakia, to 3000 km in Russia; non-breeding birds present in N Africa Sept-Apr and in Sudan Oct-Apr. In Hokkaido (N Japan), birds depart in mid-Sept and return late Apr or early May. One ringed in Korea was recovered 2 months later in Luzon, in N Philippines. In S Malay Peninsula, birds were netted at Fraser's Hill only during Aug-Oct, but at Selangor they were present Aug-Mar. Migrates mainly at night, and pronounced movements evident along Mediterranean shores and over Malaysian mountains in autumn; during migration may form small flocks. Wintering birds establish territories, and juveniles may stay together as pairs or groups.”
del Hoyo J, Elliot A, Sargatal J (eds) (2001), Handbook of the birds of the world. Vol. 6: Mousebirds to Hornbills, p. 238

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by Ansgar Tappenhölter